#Nano Updates

Dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change.

Shonda Rhimes

I want to say that it’s been a rough couple of weeks and that’s why I haven’t been providing regular updates on what I’ve been doing, but it doesn’t quite feel true. I’ve been feeling really tired lately. And of course, rattled.

It HAS been a really stressful couple of weeks. The US Presidential Election was last week, which I won’t go much into. NaNo started last week. I’m more than a month into my new job, which is nice. I guess I’m also really nervous about what entails after this temporary job. I want to work in Admin, but I also want to upgrade my skillset and I also want to be able to eat well and earn enough to support my family and I really should write this all down somewhere that’s perhaps not on the interwebs.

Maybe pursuing a career as an Executive Assistant wasn’t the best idea. But I can’t make that decision after taking one course. I only learned that I can’t absorb any information properly after 5 weeks of learning. It’s a lot. Especially on top of work, even if it only is part time. And then that reminds me that I might have to do EI updates, and maybe do more posts for Passion Planner, and then do more updates here, and even that’s overwhelming because I have no idea how to be an influencer.

And everything is so open and it’s overwhelming. And I also should do more therapy, but even that’s overwhelming because I can’t exactly pay for regular sessions. I really should write this all somewhere.

Maybe in my Passion Planner actual. That tends to help.

And NaNoWriMo’s going okay. I’m still doing things in spurts. Everything is going in sentences, which is better than I’ve ever hoped for. I might also try for doing weekly prompts via Start with This. Start with This is a podcast by Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink of Night Vale fame. It’s cool. It has prompts that I can do once a week, or whatever. I can start whenever I’d like.

Of course, the hardest part is just Starting.

We’ll see.

And I’ll just keep trying to be creative.